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Book/Material Complaint Review Process Policy

Approved: June 21, 2023

Please note that in order to request a review of any library material you must be a citizen from the Town of Carman or the Rural Municipality of Dufferin. 

  1. Pull all copies of the books being challenged so the board has access to them for review. They are unavailable to the public during the review process.
  2. The book under complaint must be returned to the library as part of the review process as they may be the only copies available.
  3. Additional materials and/or copied content from the materials under complaint will not be accepted and the complaint will be invalid.
  4. The board is made up from citizens from the Town of Carman, and the RM of Dufferin.  Two of the board members must be a representative from council from both the Town and RM.
  5. Challenged materials are reviewed independently and not as a group to ensure free and unbiased responses based on the claims against the materials.
  6. Challenged materials are reviewed based on the merit of the materials (educational or leisure) and where it is shelved in our collections.
  7. Individual responses are compiled, and the claims are responded to based on the findings of the board.
  8. The Book Complaint Response is submitted to the Head Librarian and the board then sent to the complainant.
  9. These recommendations will be final according to the findings of the board.

The following options will be available to the Board of the Boyne Regional Library:



Materials remain in collection as is

Material is relocated to new shelving location

Material is removed from collection