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Our Collections

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Library Catalogue

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In House Collections

We have many unique collections for our patrons to borrow.

Accessible Collection

The library has a wide range of materials in accessible formats including Large Print, audiobooks and read-along’s (CD).

About: Accessible Collection

Boyne Grows Seed Library

A seed library is a collection of seeds that can be “borrowed” with the goal of contributing to learning, experimentation, and community. We also offer tools and books to support our community seed savers and gardeners. Tools are available for a one week or one month loan period.

About: Boyne Grows Seed Library | Quick link: Seed Library Tools & Books


French language books for a variety of reading levels, shelved with a bright green spine sticker in the Children’s Library.

Quick link: French


A large selection of tabletop, card and board games. Our collection features games for all ages and skill levels.

Quick link: Games


Many new and popular titles are available to borrow for a one week loan period.

Nature Discovery Backpacks

Filled with tools and resources to help you engage with our community’s natural habitats, forests, and grasslands.

About: Nature Discovery Backpacks | Quick link: Nature Discovery Backpack


An extensive collection of puzzles featuring a variety of sizes, piece counts, and images.

About: Puzzles | Quick link: Many Pieces Collection | Quick link: Junior Collection

STEAM Story Kits

Extend learning beyond books for hands-on exploration with our STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) Story kits. Each kit contains materials designed to help you read, create, explore and learn. From Astronomy to coding to microbiology, there are kits for all ages and interests.

About: STEAM Story Kits | Quick link: STEAM Story Kits


From tablets to eReaders to keyboards, try out these items before you buy!

About: Technology Collection | Quick link: Technology




Accessible Books

Search an online public collection of downloadable ebooks and audiobooks for library members with print disabilities, which include vision, mobility, and comprehension impairments that prevent someone from being able to read a traditional book.

About: Accessible Collections | Quick link: NNELS | Quick link: CELA

eBooks and audiobooks

Libby and eLibraries Manitoba (eLM): is a collection of reading and listening material for all ages, available online for you to read on your computer desktop or mobile device using the Libby app.

About: Libby and eLM | Quick link: eLibraries Manitoba – Desktop | Quick link: Libby App

Online Database

EBSCO is an online database that includes full-text articles and abstracts of articles in magazines, journals, and newspapers, manuals, repair guides and more

About: EBSCO | Quick Link: EBSCO